TAXfiling123 a pure online tax filing system, a new and novice client with limited inputs.

Location: India


1. Branding an easy to use Web App combined with a modern web design.
2. Business Model Development and Research.
3. Customer Acquisitions.

Target Audience

1. 21-58 Aged earning individuals both salaried and self-employed.
2. Small Business & Enterprises.


Challenging Projects needs a creative approach. Got into the Business Model development together with the client. Was able to get into the design approvals early, made the development swiftly in 45-day life span to be launched in upcoming summers.

Our key aim was to create captivating unique and seamless Tax Filling Web App, so that users would have a easy to use experience and usability. TDB catalysed the App development with extreme agility and patience. Alex , lead Business Marketer TDB gave the streamlined support with keeping in loop of our needs.

Gyan, KAMPG Associates -


To be announced. Fingers Crossed.