CFO [] being a Computer & IT leasing provider having a customer base of 250+ and around 14554 equipment’s leased on monthly basis.

Location: India


1. CFO needed an Online Presence & Branding.
2. Achieve an influx of new customer base, with projected 10% YoY.
3. CFO needed a partner for its B2B Customers.

Target Audience

1. Start-ups with a minimum 10+ workforce
2. Mid-Size Business on aggressive expansion with low capex.


One of the first activities that the team TDB is to prepare the well iterated Business Model during the first month of consulting.

On the basis of the Model a lean strategy on marketing and web presence was strategized together with the client.

By 2nd month Design was presented for client. Around 4 demos were presented and got the design settled out.

Development began with CMS selection [WORDPRESS], Content Drafting and Graphics creations which took the full 3rd month.

Before launch, multiple and concurrent campaigns with offers were deployed for CFO in order to attain superlative brand awareness and an warm welcome to the digital world.

The campaign on behalf of CFO prepared itself for the quick coverage in the market.

Website was launched on early day of 4th Month.

We contracted TDB group to rehash and run our marketing campaign. The campaign outpaced our initial targets as well as delivering superlative ROI within our cost of sales targets.

Avinandan, Sales Head - CFO


CFO was able to achieved lateral success with huge influx of orders and high EBIDITA to 11.9% from 2.88%.

The lean approach designed by TBD kept the marketing budgets quite in control and efficient. For every 1.3$ spent on Marketing gave a return of 6.3$ in revenues.